Are you ready to send your message to other worlds?
With Star Bottle® you can communicate in Deep Space using advanced technology to share your ideas, thoughts, photos and videos with the Universe. Choose and upload the messages you want to send and follow the launch countdown

Il lancio del 10 agosto è stato un successo!

Tutti i messaggi sono già in viaggio verso la Via Lattea. Vi ringraziamo per aver partecipato con noi!

Stiamo preparando il lancio dei messaggi nel Deep Space

Next launch in


Why send a message with STAR BOTTLE®?

You can be among the first people to communicate with other planets

You can leave your indelible trace in Space

Star Bottle® uses M3SAT/Telespazio technology, with the authorisation of the Italian government (MIMIT)

Each message sent, will be confirmed by a Launch Certificate


Choose your space destination

Deep space is now accessible to everyone. The democratization of space began thanks to our launch pad. You can send or give messages to deep space and live a unique experience.

What they say about us

See what they say La Stampa, Euronews, Corriere della Sera,, Prima Pagina News, Il Quaderno and many more on Star Bottle®.
