An exoplanet made of diamond


Did you know that there can be planets so precious that they are almost entirely composed of diamonds?

One of the most fascinating examples is 55 Cancri e, a planet about 40 light years from us of the "Super Earth" type.

It is a planet composed of about a third carbon, probably originating in a similar way to Earth, with a mixture of rock and metal.

However, due to its proximity to its star, it experiences very high surface temperatures, equal to around 2100°, and very strong pressures, such that the carbon of which it is composed is mostly crystallized and compressed into the shape of a diamond.

It is even estimated that the planet may contain up to three times the amount of diamonds that has ever been mined on Earth. Unfortunately, however, the extreme temperatures and pressures on the planet's surface would make it an incredibly hostile environment for any form of life, even if only of an exploratory nature.
